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Basic Readings

This is a reading is done with Tarot or Oracle, depends what I am drawn to for your reading. It consists of 5 or more cards, depending on what comes through.

What I need from you...

1. Your Full Name

2. Date of Birth (and time, if known)

3. Two (2) main questions


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Manifesting Abundance

This reading using five or more cards shows you what is holding you back in terms of manifesting.
What you need to let go of. When we are manifesting we all have obstacles, fears, anxieties, doubts and insecurities which are challenging within ourselves that hold us back.

What steps do you need to take? Part of manifesting involves action forward movement of energy on your part to propel you forward in the direction towards your goal.


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Healthy Boundaries

Would five or more cards this reading helps you to create boundaries. When we are giving out energy out to everyone or a particular person or situation, it is hard to give energy to ourselves. Do you have the life that we want it need to be watered like a beautiful plant by our energy and life force.
This reading shows you what is holding you back, what part of yourself you have neglected. Creating boundaries isn’t easy, the right thing to do never is. This reading will empower you to take the steps you need to take for your happiness and growth.


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Relationship Reading

In this reading we look at:

Your ROLE in the Relationship

Your Partners ROLE in the Relationship

The Past Foundation

The Current State 

The Future


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Is This The One?

What should you know...
Sexual chemistry
Emotional connection
External influences
Long-term potential
Your  outcome


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The Career Spread

What you getting from your  career
What do you learn from past mistakes
What Cosmos to you and from you
What the present situation and holds
Where are the doors open
What can you expect by taking a risk


Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot

2023: The Year Ahead

This reading is a reading of empowerment, it gives you cards for the year as a whole, then cards for each month. 

This reading is to help you stay focused, on the energy of the year , and the energy for each month. To understand when it’s a rest period , when it’s get up go period. Life is flow, is period of pause and period of movement. This readings gives you the gentle understanding of when it’s time to move along and stop. Sometimes we have months when we should be pausing but we pushing, but with this reading it equips you, gives you structure as when you should take action, what to take action upon and when to rest up. 

It tells you when there are moments of conflict , and how to navigate the energy. The beautiful part of this readings is it’s guidance from above, a map for the year ahead which offers comfort and support for your plans for 2023 


Emailed Reading

*Waiting Period for all work:
5-8 Days after payment has been received

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