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Birth Charts

Birth Charts “ lots of people love the birth chart reading as each aspect describe an aspect of you, your life. Communication, opportunity and luck.

This is the reading that tells you about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and an important transit coming up for you as well. The path you walk through life. Are you prone to thinking negatively, are you sensitive to other peoples energy. What planets you have in which zodiac, planets rule certain aspects of life as well, for example Venus is love and beauty, mercury how you communicate and think, your ability to process information.




Saturn Enters Pisces
7 March 2023-2026
Saturn gives structure, discipline , while still being able to challenge us by teaching lessons. The hard work you put in, is what Saturn rewards in relationships, finances and personal growth. 
Pisces’ transcendental energy is deeply connected with the realms of emotions, dreams, and mysticism—and over the coming years, Saturn will prompt us to outgrow our escapist fantasies and fully face our feelings so that we can move forward more effectively. This transit is stripping us of our dissociative coping mechanisms, encouraging us to instead find strength in our raw vulnerability. It’ll also inspire more discipline and structure in our creative and spiritual practices, helping us to move beyond superficiality and into something more meaningful.



Jupiter Enters Taurus
16 May 2023 - 25 May 2024.

Jupiter is the largest and luckiest of all the true planets. It's the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, and has a reputation for blessing us with good luck and fortune. Jupiter is all about expanding our wealth, as well as our minds. 
Jupiter in Taurus is a chance to make real movement towards a dream or long-term goal



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